Summer is almost over and I am so sad! I miss our two week trips to the lake. But hubby is just to sick to take them any more. So my boat sat in the driveway most of the summer. But Sunday Ray (daughter #3) wanted to take a few friends down to the river for the day and asked if I would take them. Daddy won't let her drive the boat cause she drinks too much! lol! So Saturday afternoon, we washed the boat off real quick, packed a few snacks and fixed a cooler. We were all ready to go! Sunday morning D & J who are sisters got lost coming to the house so we got out of here a little later than usual. Our third friend was our son's ex girlfriend and she went also.
So, they drank, swam, ate and partied all day. I was the only sober one in the bunch. But at least I got out and got some sun.
We told D & J that if we got going fast enough that the fish would start flying. I think they thought we were joking until one almost hit J! lol! I call them the flying fish, but I think they are really Japanese carp. I have been told that the vibrations from the boat get them jumping out of the water. We ducked all day but it was a hoot! At least I didn't get any in the pontoon and have to throw them back in. I still haven't checked the sides to see if I have any dents.
We stopped at Smitty's and ate lunch outside. D & J were done after that, so we took a quick swim and pulled the boat out and came home.
The End!