Sunday, July 26, 2009

Back to the old Bad habits!

I know, I know, it's July! But I have been busy! lol! Between working at the Show Me Handmade Shop in Crestwood Court and trying to create new items, I have just been neglecting my poor old blog.

So we just set up a new account on blogger for our shop. We will be posting (I hope) much more regularly than I do! lol! We will be updating all new events just for all to see. Please take a minute if you are from the St. Louis area to stop in and say hello. We don't bite! We love to see new faces and chat.

Each month we are going to have hold a Handmade Happy Hour from 6 to 8 on the last Thursday of the month. There will be free wine tasting and 2 mini-workshops to choose from. This month the workshops will be wirewrapping a simple pair of closed wrapped loop earrings or a calligraphic bookmark. Cost for each workshop is $5 to cover supplies but the wine tasting is free! We would love to see ya!