Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It's getting warmer!

I can see the sun coming up over the llama field this morning and the man on the news says it is 47 degrees. But I know it will be warm enough to go outside without a coat by noon! Woohoo! It makes me wanna go play kickball! NOT! lol!

Really, I haven't had my coffee yet this morning. I gotta have my coffee before I do anything else! And I really need to clean off this desk and put everything away that has accumulated here. I have to keep the turtle receipt for another week. Sir Turtle can be replaced within fifteen days of purchase should he have a mishap and expire. He has now moved from my living room to my daughters residence. But he was not a happy mover. He did not like being out of his water and in a box for the move.

When I went to get Sir turtle that day, I had no idea just what I was getting into! But after two trips getting all his goodies for the tank, Sir Turtle's new home looked nice and inviting (if you are a visiting turtle). I had asked the turtle man how long I could keep him out of the water thinking I wouldn't have to set the tank up and Rachel could just take him home and do it. But no, I would be doing Sir Turtle great harm if I were to wait until she got off of work that night. So I put five gallons of water in the tank, treated it with water conditioner and put his home in order. He really liked it over by the water pump. Apparently he needed a back massage.

So Easter morning, Courtney and I put his home and him in his box, in the car and we went home. Gee, just 24 hours of watching him and I missed him! lol! But not enough to go get another slider.

So here it is Wednesday already and the time gets away from me so fast. So far today, I have let the dog out and fed her, made coffee, talked to my oldest granddaughter. cleaned the pans out of the oven and turned it on. I put the biscuits on the baking stone and filled my cup with coffee. I have checked my email and read the ones I wanted to read and trashed the rest. I will have Miss Cara in less than a half hr so my news will go to cartoons and I will have to go get her some juice. She is not much of an eater, so it will be a couple of hours before breakfast. Then she will want to sit on my lap and twirl my hair (or hers) and suck on her pacifier and watch cartoons. We will take a morning nap and then eat. Lylli will be here early so she will have someone to play with this afternoon. Then I will have to change at least five diapers each because all they do is drink, drink, drink my flavored waters. Anson will have to be picked up from school. Holy Trinity does not have bus service as it is a private school. Then I will feed the kids as the trickle in from Jr. High and High School and send them home. I can't wait til school is out! lol! I can't wait until bowling is over! That is later tonite. We have two weeks of bowling and then banquet. I am kicking around the idea of not bowling next year. I really need to put that time to better use, but I just hate to not have the night of bowling. Oh well, I have a couple of weeks to think about it.

Okay, biscuits are in the oven and I am going to watch a few minutes of the news. See ya soon.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I'm going turtle huntin'

And I know absolutely zilch about turtles! So this ought to be fun. I know my title is misleading as I am actually going to a pet store to get Sir Turtle. He is going to join a lovely family (well maybe). That depends on whose eyes you are looking thru.! lol!

Sir Turtle will be joining the Smith Family of 4, plus one Lola, plus two Puppies (Murphy and Ralphie). Now I have to explain a little about the Smith Family of four. They have just moved in with Lola (grandmother) with their pets because their house was just not big enough for all of them. Now Murphy and Ralphie aren't really puppies but the Little Miss Smith calls them that. In fact she calls any and all dogs puppies since at the age of almost two, she doesn't know the difference.

Now over the last couple of years Murphy who just happens to be a big black Lab has calmed down and quit eating the house. He kinda of reminds me of Marley, (Marley and Me) only black.
Ralphie on the other hand is still chewing. But you gotta love a Yorkie that will sit next to you and put his paws on your shoulder and gaze lovingly into your eyes. I'm a sucker, sure! lol!

So now I know where they live and who they are and I am trying to figure out where they are going to put Sir Turtle. I have heard rumors that they need a fish tank, rocks, a heat lamp and who knows what else. I also have been informed that I need to buy a book for Sir Turtles new owner. That owner would be Almost Eight Smith.

Now, I am rather proud of Almost Eight Smith. He is my grandson but he is not like all the rest of the grandchildren. He stands out from the rest. I'm not sure if that is good or bad. Actually he could be a whole story to himself, but another day for that. But Almost Eight Smith is very intelligent and reads at an eighth grade level (comprehends also) and he will read that Turtle book from top to bottom and then some! My main concern is that Sir Turtle doesn't get chewed up by the Puppies.

So I sit here with my coffee this morning, watching the sun come up and thinking how pretty it is out there. We have had rain for two days and I sure am glad to dry out. Now if my basement only will! lol! After the stores open this morning, I am making Sir Turtle my first priority. I mustn't disappoint Almost Eight Smith! He is having his first communion Sunday, so this shall be a busy weekend for him.

Oh, and just for the record, I'm not Lola!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Showme Handmade and Artropy!

Last night was Showme Etsy Team meeting night. We had 20 attendees, which was nice. Last month we topped out at 30. So many new faces and I am just not good with names. Possibility that we may need name tags in the future. But these new faces have a lot of good ideas about doing sub committees and help get the word out about your street team.

I know that a lot of people from Etsy have applied to our team and have been rejected. I just want to say it is not the fact that they do bad work. Just the opposite! It is really quite nice! But the ones rejected are all jewelry people and as of right now, we have enough. So as our numbers rise in other catagories, so shall our jewelry catagory! So do not be sad (or mad), we are keeping all the applications.

They discussed the Artropy show at Swquires this coming April 25th and chose their booths. I am not in this show as I volunteered to work the ShowMe Handmade store in Crestwood Court, St. Louis, Missouri. As a street team, we are having two shows a year, one in the spring and one fall show. The fall show will also be held at Swquires, 1415 South 18th Street, St. Louis, Missouri, 63104. We are looking for a bigger place for next year since we are beginning to get a following and we are now accepting outside vendors to round out our shows

Crestwood Court is having an Easter party this Saturday! So bring the kiddies (or not) and have some fun! There will be stages set up close to Sears, bands, demos from the artists and more. Come check out the new stores and get to know the artists! See ya there!

Friday, April 3, 2009

So Where have I been?

I feel so bad! I have been so negligent! But I have just been crazy! So I will just try to update the last six months. It's like writing a book. If I had had time to keep a diary, then I could just cut and paste but I didn't even have time for that.

First thing we had to get thru was Cameron's installation as Jobe's Daughter's Honor Queen. It is like having a wedding! All the little details and planning. Then all the work of making corsages, flowers, gift bags for all the girls and Aunts. Then you have to have a reception afterwards. So of course there is covering the tables, getting centerpieces, buying all the plates, silverware, cups. That's just for starters. Then you have to have a menu, decide on food. If I had been smart, we would have catered it. I figured it up afterwards and spent just as much doing it myself. And of course we can't be simple, just because that is the way this family is. It was much like what we do at Christmas. Hmm, come to think of it, that is what she wanted! lol! So dinner was turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, green beans, dinner rolls, tea, and lots of desserts! So we got thru that.

Then they had their Christmas party (which we were in charge of). Then we had Christmas (which is always a big blowout here) and headed into the new year.

So January and February, we just passed the flu and colds from one to another. I just prayed John never got sick. He isn't all that strong to begin with. Having a house full of sick babies is no fun. Lylli and Cara just passed it back and forth. I didn't get much done around here.

The only thing I did, was finally make a decision to join some good women in a crafty endeavor!

I belong to the ShowMe Etsy Street team from Missouri. Really it is a combination of the metro area which includes Illinois. Since I live so close to St. Louis, it was the closest team around. We have been together awhile now. But to move on, some of the ladies decided to take it a step further.

To get past the boring steps, we now have a B & M shop in Crestwood Court called Showme Handmade. It is a combination of nine owners and I know at least 20 consigners. I would have to go count all the paperwork to get you an accurate number, but I am not at the shop right now.

But you can check us out at

So now I need to update all my pages here and there and get myself into a routine.

Got lots to do today, so will try to do better this week!